Conflict is natural. Knowing how to communicate your thoughts and feelings with people who have different points of view is important! Every opinion adds value and offers different perspectives. When dealing with conflict, ask yourself the following questions: What is...
A few months ago, I wrote a piece on compassion and reflected that we as a society are not compassionate 100% of the time, nor should we be, however we should be more often than we are. In the further discovery of compassion it is important to realize that...
Listening matters. It is a topic that has sparked many debates, and has influenced decades of research, as it is one of the most important tools that we have at our disposal. To hear someone speak is entirely different than to actively listen to them. This has been my...
Stress is prevalent. Unhealthy amounts of stress may lead to many negative side effects including aches and pains, insomnia, illness, burnout, decreased motivation, and many other symptoms that get in the way of enjoying life. Cortisol is the stress hormone, it...
With only 24 hours in a day, it can appear difficult to get everything done. An overwhelming list of “to do’s” raise our stress levels, often to an extent that surpasses healthy amounts, leading to illness, fatigue, and burnout. Often times we look back and realize...
Neuroscience suggests the brain is like a muscle. Neuroplasticity refers to the brains ability to grow and be strengthened. Resilient individuals are able to tolerate stress and bounce back. This is great news as we face an epidemic of mental illness. If we can...