Life requires action! Passive players don’t get to influence the results; they become a victim of life’s circumstances. This week is about about responding to things under your control. Hit the play button below to learn how you can shift from resignation to response. ▶️ 

Dive In

Awareness is key. Reflect on what it feels like to resign yourself and know what it means to respond. Become an expert of action by completing skill 1 of control in your AIR Space. 🕹

Did You Know?

Proactivity is associated with job performance, team performance, career success, and psychological well-being. In this way, taking action is linked to positive health AND performance. Get to it! 🎬

Resilience at Work

Action-oriented people tend to take initiative. Taking initiative at work is a great way to practice responding to things that are under your control. Check out this article to learn about what initiative can look like in the workplace.

Resilient Moment

In 1963, after leading a series of civil rights marches, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. His efforts sparked legislative change for Black Americans across the nation. His story is one of courageous action in the face of adversity. 🙌🏾

Spread the Love❤️

Use your influence for good! Responding can help more than just yourself, it can help others too. The next time you see someone that needs a hand – offer it! 🫴

“Do not wait for a change of environment before you act; get a change of environment by action.”

– Wallace D. Wattles

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