Welcome to Week 2 – Your Brain’s Natural Superpower! This week you will start to identify where you stand on your resilience journey. You can recognize your starting point and start building your mental muscles.

Your Brain’s Natural Superpower

Your brain has a natural superpower: Neuroplasticity. In this week’s video, you will learn about neuroplasticity and how you can use it to your advantage.

Test Your Mental Strength!

Want to find out your key mental fitness strengths and growth opportunities? Discover your Starting Point! Select a muscle group, complete a short questionnaire, and get personalized recommendations on where to begin your journey. Enter your AIR Space.

Quick Tip

When building skills in AIR Space, always know where you are on the right-hand side with a guided outline. By being able to see how long an activity will take, you can easily set aside 5 minutes a day.

Run out of time? You can always pick up where you left off.

Resilience helps to regain a sense of control. It empowers growth and positive change.

For the Inquiring Mind

Resilience is essential for individuals, but it is also key for teams and organizations. Have you thought about your team’s resilience? Check out this week’s social impact article from HBR: The 4 Things Resilient Teams Do.

Self-Love ❤️

Do something you enjoy!

Make time for yourself this week. Post a picture of yourself doing something you love with the hasthtag #selfcAIR to inspire others.

“Your brain is a muscle that can move the world.”

– Stephen King


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