Welcome to Week 9 – Have Your Own Back! Are you your own best friend? The focus this week is showing compassion for yourself as you go along your mental fitness journey.

Have Your Own Back
Your most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Learn why self-compassion is crucial as you go along your journey and how you can strengthen this mental muscle.

Mental Muscle Spotlight:
Be Kind to Yourself! Unconditional self-love can get us through the toughest of times – plus it feels good! Learn to be your own best friend. The muscle, Self-compassion skills strengthen your ability to comfort and love yourself even in the face of mistakes or difficulties.
Quick Tip!
Do what works for you!
Some meditations are best in the heat of the moment. Others can be useful as a daily practice. As you explore the meditations in your brain gym, you can find out what works for you.

Self-compassion boosts happiness, increases self-worth, and reduces stress.

For the Inquiring Mind
Self-compassion is important for more than just individual employees. Teams and entire organizations can benefit from self-compassion, especially during difficult times. Check out this week’s social impact article: How to Help your Team Bounce Back from Failure.
Self-Love ❤️
What’s that one space in your house that is an abyss into the unknown? De-clutter it and relish in the reward chemical – dopamine.

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”
– Brene Brown