AIR’s CEO and Founder, Dr. Kinley, joined host Kirk Behrendt on The Best Practices Show to talk about the importance of connection and psychological safety in teams. “Sometimes, workplaces, not by intention but just by design, can be unwelcoming and busy....
Being in control matters. Believing you are capable of having an impact contributes to positive feelings and increases life satisfaction. Knowing what you have control over matters. You have the ability to influence your health, well being and surroundings....
Sometimes it’s hard to remember to slow down. Demands from your personal and work life can be consuming. Rarely do we think to take time for ourselves and reflect. Burnout is emotional and mental exhaustion. But… how do I avoid burnouts? Take some time to reflect on...
Being successful requires having your own back. Practicing self-compassion on a regular basis helps you persevere through difficult times. Be there to stand up for yourself when you need it! You need to love yourself unconditionally. That means despite mistakes and...
There will be times when you have to speak up for yourself and others. Avoiding conflict is unrealistic; it leads to resentment, bitterness and passive aggressive behaviour. This can cause a tremendous amount of undue stress, anxiety and interpersonal discomfort....
Sometimes it’s easier to think that the glass is half empty than half full. Harnessing positive energy is a quick and easy way to feel optimistic and energized! Positive emotions include love, joy and gratitude. Having gratitude involves being thankful for people,...