What’s Up in the AIR
Insights is where Dr. Kinley and team explain core concepts on resilience.
What Is Resilience?
In this video, Dr. Kinley sets the stage by overviewing what resilience is and means.
What is Top of Mind for Organizations Right Now?
In this video, Dr. Kinley outlines how reentering the workplace resiliently from the impacts of Covid is top of mind for organizations.
How did you get into this space
In this video, Dr. Kinley explains how her personal experience lead to Air’s mission and vision.
Organizational Importance
In this video, Dr. Kinley explores how resilience is at the intersection of Health and Performance.
Who is Resilience For?
In this video, Dr. Kinley explains who can benefit from resilience training (and when it may not the time to build resilience).
What if I am Not Resilient?
In this video, Dr. Kinley explains how resilience is something everyone can build.
How can I improve my Resilience?
In this video, Dr. Kinley explores some of the ways resilience can be developed.
Mental Fitness – A new Paradigm from which to Promote Mental Health
Air is starting a new conversation. We are proposing a new approach to mental health. Neuroscience is revealing new insights into the brain's ability to grow and develop throughout the life span. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to grow and be...
Stress to Strengthen – This radically changes the way we think about and view stress
Neuroscience suggests the brain is like a muscle. Neuroplasticity refers to the brains ability to grow and be strengthened. Resilient individuals are able to tolerate stress and bounce back. This is great news as we face an epidemic of mental illness. If...
Resilience: The Missing Link
Resilience is a capacity. Now we know we can build that capacity in individuals, organizations and communities! The construct of resilience is multifaceted, and it has the ability to provide a link between stress and mental illness. By better understanding...